Fall - September to December
Level D - Moderately Competitive
Game Days
Game Times
5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm
La Cienega Park Field #3
Residents - $462
Resident Business Team - $494
Non-resident - $578
Official Fees - $50 per team, per game
Recreation Coordinator
Andrew Deleon
adeleon@beverlyhills.org or 310-285-6823
Who can register?
Beverly Hills residents and non-residents are welcomed! Registration priority is given to Beverly Hills residents and resident business teams, followed by non-residents. Registration is on a first come first serve basis as your registration will be time stamped upon receipt. Only full team registration is accepted. Individuals may sign up on the free agent list which is distributed to the teams at the start of the season. Free agents are not guaranteed to be picked up.
When do I register?
Registration takes place approximately one month prior to the start of the next season. Registration is only open for four (4) days. The first day of registration is only open to Beverly Hills residents and resident business new and returning teams. Day two of registration is open to returning teams from the immediate season prior. Day three is open to all non-resident new teams and day four is open to all. Please check the website for current listed registration dates or contact the league coordinator.
How do I register?
Registration will be taken on your given priority date, in the order that they are received. Registration fills up quickly, so please do not delay.
How to register online:
- Log on to www.BeverlyHills.org/BHrec
- As the team manager, create an "individual account" and confirm your email address
- Click on the following links in the upper tab bar of the registration website. (The divisions will not be visible until registration opens.)
Select the league night and level you prefer to play
- Submit credit card payment. A receipt will be emailed to you.
For business teams paying by check – You must register online with a credit card to hold your spot. Your check must be to the office of Ashley Sylvester, the Recreation Coordinator, at 471 S. Roxbury Drive, Beverly Hills 90212. Upon its receipt your credit card will be reimbursed.
*Beverly Hills Resident teams or Beverly Hills Business teams must have a minimum of 5 players on the official roster that reside in Beverly Hills or work for a Beverly Hills agency which is sponsoring the team. You will be asked to show proof of residency with a government issued ID or by electric bill which you must bring with you to manager’s meeting.
**Returning Teams are those that played in the immediate previous Season. If you did not play in the immediate previous season you are considered a new team.
How much does it cost to register?
League fees are listed according to the following: Beverly Hills Resident Team $462, Beverly Hills Business Team $494, and Non-Resident Team $578. To qualify as a resident you must have at least five (5) players that reside in Beverly Hills and are able to prove residency or for a resident business team you must have at least five (5) players that are employeed by the sponsoring company in Beverly Hills and are able to provide proof of employment. League fees DO NOT include $50 per game, per team referee fees. Referee fees are to be paid in cash directly to the referees before the start of each game.